2024, My Year Of Divine Help For My Rebuilding
Ps 20:1-2, 46:1-11, Jer 18:1-10

Our Vision

T.A.P.S. is a full Apostolic and Gospel ministry planted for and devoted to:-

  • The Revival of True, Spirit Filled Heavenly Worship and Praise of God for Signs and Wonders.
  • The Reenactments of Pentecostal Fire Works for unlimited Miracles.
  • The Absolute demonstration of Violent faith in the Power of God for extraordinary and uncommon Deliverance to the uttermost.

Our Spiritual Dressing

  • Our garment is Purity and absolute Holiness within and without.
  • Our pairs of shoes are Violent Faith laced with Total Obedience to the Laws and Words of God.

These are the type of spiritual dressing needed to enter the Ark of the LORD.
T.A.P.S. is total a do-it-yourself full gospel and violent prayer mountain ministry.
As Soldiers of Christ, we in T.A.P.S. have divine Instructions from our Father, The Almighty God. These instructions are very clear and unambiguous. They are:

  1. “Fortify Thy Strongholds”. Nahum 3:14. Our Lord Jesus instructed us to fortify our strongholds through serious undiluted prayer of faith in God.
  2. “Lay Hold on Eternal life”. 1Tim6:12. We are to be real soldiers of Christ, standing in the house of God and defending the Truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God wants us to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life.
  3. “Hold that fast which thou hast”. Rev.3:11. The Lord is coming soon. We are the end time Soldiers of Christ Jesus. He is our Captain. TAPS is one of the few end-time crusaders of Jesus that the LORD HIMSELF is releasing now. It is a rare privilege to be enlisted in the Army of God. Therefore we must “Hold fast this privilege which we have that no man takes our crown.
  4. ”Occupy Till I come”. Luke 19:13. TAPS is an end-time Evangelistically Called-Out Ministry with Apostolic anointing and power. Our Evangelistic and Missionary assignment is unique.

We must be great crusaders to take the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all the nooks and crannies of this world. Wherever He leads us we must go to spread all over the world the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. We must be occupied to the end of our breath.

Tabernacle of Ark of Praise and Salvation Ministry logo

Our services include singing and Bible teaching. Our singing is an act of worship to God; feel free to sit, stand, or dance. This is followed by a 30 to 45 minute message.

T.A.P.S Prayer Lines.

Nigeria: +23414405230 

 UK & Europe: 443306060530

USA & CANADA: 7018011220

Conference ID number: 140689352#

Prayer Conference Times



(Minnesota: 11:00PM daily).

It is a great experience you cannot afford to miss. Join us for one hour heavenly bombardment prayers and command your mornings

God Bless You